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Vaseline petroleum jelly isn't the first thing that comes to a person mind when we think about makeup. It is one thing that no...
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Top 15 Picks from Nykaa Luxe Store – Best Skin Care Products for Anti-Aging,...

Nykaa, currently the leading online beauty market in India, takes its beauty products very seriously. So, when we at CisMis decided to surf through...
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Acne Problem: 5 ways to Get Rid of Pimples in Just 5 hours

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Drop Holiday Weight: 11 Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

It is common to gain weight during holidays. When during the holiday season we are surrounded by good food and sweets, one simply can...

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This summer season give up all your hopes of being sweat-free as you are still in India. The tropical climate not only makes us...