Tag: anti-tan
De-Tan & Remove Skin Pigmentation Instantly – Try these 14 Amazing Creams, Masks, Face...
A very unfavorable condition that our skin goes through at times is 'hyper pigmentation'. It occurs when the rate of deposition of melanin in the skin increases a lot. This happens mainly due to...
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10 Best Foot Creams in 2018 for Dry, Cracked Heels Available in India with...
Walking, running, skipping, most of our outdoor activities involve our legs, especially are feet giving support to us (and our weight!). As a result,...
Anti-ageing & Antiseptic Magic Fruit – 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Surinam Cherries
Surinam Cherries are also known as Brazilian Cherries or Eugenia Uniflora.These cherries taste like mangoes and are highly flavored. Surinam cherries help in clearing...
PRP for Skin Rejuvenation & Hair Loss Treatment at Calee Noida: Cost,Benefits,Recovery
Women have opted for various types of treatments through decades to get better skin and a better chance to get their imperfections corrected. A...
6 Must-do Simple Skin-Care Routines Before Bedtime to get Fair & Flawless Skin
We all crave for fair, clean and clear skin and stress out as soon as we get acne or any other blemish. Don't worry!...
How to Do Light Party Make Up – 9 Step by Step Tutorial with...
A fun night out is always incomplete without the perfect makeup. But all occasions don't require those heavy looks or dramatic eyes. A light...