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Tag: clay mask for combination skin

Masks to Detox Skin: 13 Best Clay & Mud Face Packs Available in India

One of the five natural and basic elements that the Universe provides us with is 'mud'. It contains essential minerals which have therapeutic and relaxing effects on the human body and mind. This is...

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8 Spot Treatments to Get Rid of Blemishes, Scars and Pimple Marks Overnight

Got a special occasion to attend in a few days' time? And your face is still adorned with those villainous dark spots? Not to...
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Meditation is known as closing the eyes and focusing on the breathing. It's considered to be good for the brain and helps in fighting...

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Vaseline petroleum jelly isn't the first thing that comes to a person mind when we think about makeup. It is one thing that no...
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11 Tips to Naturally Remove Blackheads from Nose and Face at Home

Blackheads are types of comedones that occurs when the pores of the skin get clogged with dirt and excess oil. It usually occurs due...
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Brunch invitations are always fun to attend. Favourite people, delicious cuisines, flowing cocktails, what's not to like? If you are a fashionista, you are...