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Anti-Aging & Wrinkle Free Skin: Best 8 Creams Available In India- Review & Price

Today's women go by the mantra that the only thing that should increase with age is experience and not wrinkles! And to that cause,...
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11 Best Highlighters in 2018 for Indian Skin Tones with Reviews & Price

Highlighter does best the work just as the name suggests, i.e it highlights your face! Yes, nowadays highlighters have become an unskippable part of...
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10-Simple DIY Homemade Natural & Organic Treatments For Dry / Damaged Hair

Every women dreams of having long, lustrous and healthy hair. However, in the world with pollution problem, stress and hectic lifestyles, long and lustrous...
Health benefits of sesame oil

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sesame Oil for Hair, Skin & Body

Sesame oil, also known as gingelly oil is nourishing, lubricating and healing. It has a lot of benefits apart from enhancing flavor. It is...
Eyeliner styles

10 Eyeliner Styles for Beginners – Step By Step Tutorial with Images

Most of us ladies can't even think of stepping out of the house without our eyes lined with kohl. Liners are like armours protecting...