Tag: vitamin e gel for skin
Vitamin E for Hair, Skin & Nails – Know 11 Surprising Health Benefits
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin containing antioxidant properties. Vitamin E protects the body from free radical attacks that can be harmful to your body. It is also known to prevent the infections as...
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8 Best Foundations for Dry Skin Available in India with Review & Price
You are here on this page so I'm assuming you too are overwhelmed with the problems of your dry skin. It doesn't matter how...
Get Rid of Dark-Dry Elbows & Knees – Know 21 Home Remedies for Instant...
Dark elbows can turn out to be very embarrassing at all times. They are usually caused by dry skin, sun exposure, pressure or friction,...
How to Choose the Perfect Lipstick Shade for Indian Skin Tone – Tips &...
There may have been times when you have walked down the make-up aisle in some cosmetic store and stared at the various shades of...
11 Tips to Naturally Remove Blackheads from Nose and Face at Home
Blackheads are types of comedones that occurs when the pores of the skin get clogged with dirt and excess oil. It usually occurs due...
Wrinkle Free Face in Just 7 Days : 15 Anti-Aging Home Remedies
Wrinkles are signs of aging, but it is even faced by people in their mid 20's due to improper diet, hectic life, and stress....