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Know advantages of chemically treated hair

Rebonding or Smoothing: 6 Facts to know before You Get Chemically Treated Straight Hair

Fed up with unruly frizzy? Feel its impossible to take care of and manage your hair amidst a super busy schedule? Worry not! Here we...
Tips to remove facial hair naturally

How to Remove Face Hair – 8 Effective Ways to get Rid of Facial...

Facial hair on a woman is also known as Hirsutism. It can occur at any age but it is most likely to be seen...

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After the successful first season of Networking Trail, The Fact Teller Magazine is organizing National Summit on Holistic Sciences & Wellness 2018 – Followed...
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Drop Holiday Weight: 11 Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

It is common to gain weight during holidays. When during the holiday season we are surrounded by good food and sweets, one simply can...
8 step Smokey eyes makeup tutorial

8 Easy Steps Achieve the Perfect Sexy Smokey Eyes Makeup Look

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