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Tag: night cream for dry skin

Night Cream for all Skin Types: 10 Best Night Creams Available In India

You may not be sleeping beauty and there may not be any prince coming to you while you are asleep at night, but that's no reason why you should not pamper your skin like...

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10 Best Foot Creams in 2018 for Dry, Cracked Heels Available in India with...

Walking, running, skipping, most of our outdoor activities involve our legs, especially are feet giving support to us (and our weight!). As a result,...
How to remove blackheads at home naturally.

11 Tips to Naturally Remove Blackheads from Nose and Face at Home

Blackheads are types of comedones that occurs when the pores of the skin get clogged with dirt and excess oil. It usually occurs due...
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Lose Weight Fast: Simple Diet to Lose Weight quickly in Just 2 Weeks

This diet plan is really simple as the diet is based on cucumber. Yes! Whenever you feel hungry have cucumber to avoid hunger pangs....
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Wrinkle Free Face in Just 7 Days : 15 Anti-Aging Home Remedies

Wrinkles are signs of aging, but it is even faced by people in their mid 20's  due to improper diet, hectic life, and stress....
Best face serums in India

14 Best Face Serum for Anti-Ageing, Hydrating & Skin Renewal in India

It is time to give the moisturizers a miss and opt for face serums which are a lightweight alternative option. They get absorbed into...