Tag: silky smooth hair tips
7 Shower Tricks To Keep Your Hair Healthy, Shiny and Smooth
It is very common to find that women are facing hair related problems all the time. Hair usually gets entangled, messy and unmanageable. Well, if you are facing the same problems, this post is...
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11 Popular Lipstick Shades Every Woman Should Own
An inseparable part of our make-up kit, lipsticks can make or break a look. From nudes to tangerines to blacks, almost every woman is...
Vitamin E for Hair, Skin & Nails – Know 11 Surprising Health Benefits
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin containing antioxidant properties. Vitamin E protects the body from free radical attacks that can be harmful to your...
Noni Juice for Skin & Hair – Know 15 Proven Health & Beauty...
Noni is a natural fruit which is found in South Asia. Noni Juice is known for it's high nutrient value such as Vitamin B3,...
10-Simple DIY Homemade Natural & Organic Treatments For Dry / Damaged Hair
Every women dreams of having long, lustrous and healthy hair. However, in the world with pollution problem, stress and hectic lifestyles, long and lustrous...
11 Tips to Naturally Remove Blackheads from Nose and Face at Home
Blackheads are types of comedones that occurs when the pores of the skin get clogged with dirt and excess oil. It usually occurs due...