Tag: holiday weight gain belly
Drop Holiday Weight: 11 Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks
It is common to gain weight during holidays. When during the holiday season we are surrounded by good food and sweets, one simply can not resist. You might fail to notice sometimes but you gain...
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Night Cream for all Skin Types: 10 Best Night Creams Available In India
You may not be sleeping beauty and there may not be any prince coming to you while you are asleep at night, but that's...
Learn 6 Face Yoga Poses in Just 3 Minutes For Wrinkle Free & Slim...
Face yoga is an exercise for face which can help in losing face fat. The practice of face yoga became popular in mid nineties. Face...
Oily Skin Care – 14 Best Moisturizers, Fairness Creams, Lotion & Gels for Oily...
Every morning when you get up from sleep do you find your entire face covered in oily layers? Well, it means that the pores...
6 Must-do Simple Skin-Care Routines Before Bedtime to get Fair & Flawless Skin
We all crave for fair, clean and clear skin and stress out as soon as we get acne or any other blemish. Don't worry!...
7 Ways to Remove Waterproof Mascara Easily without Damaging Eyes
Running out of makeup remover at the middle of the night can be very annoying as sleeping with mascara on is not a good...